Fat transfer to cheeks pre and post operative instructions


A staff member from our surgery will contact you several days before your procedure to inform you of your arrival time.

If you are scheduled to arrive at 6.00am please ensure you allow for traffic conditions, rain etc and arrive punctually at 6.00am.

We ask that you do the following:

  1. Due to the sedation, you will also legally not be able to drive for 24 hours. Please arrange for transportation home after your procedure and for transportation back to the surgery the next day for your check up. The person who you arrange for this must be nominated with their contact details at the end of this form. This must be an adult that you know and cannot be an Uber or taxi driver.
  1. If you live alone and are unable to arrange a carer for the 24 hours following surgery, we can recommend that you contact Right At Home – In home care and assistance.

Phone: 1300 362 609     1300 363 192       0478750192


  1. Furthermore, you should also not operate machinery or sign any important documents in the 24 hours following surgery. Also avoide being in a situation where you will need to negotiate stairs or an unfamiliar environment.
  1. Avoid aspirin, aspirin-containing or aspirin-like medications (Eg: arthritis medicines, some cold and flu remedies), Vitamin E, glucosamine supplements, gingko biloba, ginseng valerian, black cohosh and chondroitin sulphate, These have been known to thin the blood and prolong bleeding.  Many other herbs have also been known to work in the same way. Check with you pharmacist about any preparations that you are unsure of and please avoid these for 2 weeks before surgery.
  1. If you use prescription “blood thinners” such as Warfarin, be sure to discuss this with your doctor well in advance of your surgery.
  1. Unless you are advised otherwise, continue using all of your regular medications in their normal dosages.  Be sure to discuss this with your doctor.
  1. Try to minimize smoking in the two weeks prior to surgery.
  1. Avoid alcohol for two weeks prior to your surgery and for three weeks following your surgery. This also acts to thin the blood and prolong bruising.
  1. Supplies that may be handy in the immediate post-op period:

·         A small supply of sterile gauze pads

·         Paracetamol and Mersyndol

A prescription for antibiotic ointment, Panadeine forte and stemetil will be posted to you prior to the procedure. Please arrange for these at least one week prior to your procedure and bring them with you on the day.


·         Shower and shampoo. Thoroughly remove all cosmetics.  Do not reapply cosmetics to your face or neck.

·         Do not wear jewellery, wristwatches or hairpieces.  Do not bring articles of value with you.  Wear loose-fitting comfortable clothes and a shirt that does up at the front is preferable.  Avoid tight collars or belts.

·         If you use prescription medicine or eye drops on a regular basis, take your regular dose on the morning of surgery.  This is especially important with blood pressure medicines.


Following signing of the surgical consent you will be taken to the procedure room.

If you are having fat removed, you will be asked to change into a gown so that we can apply antiseptic solution to the region where the fat is being harvested from.  This is usually from the flank.  Local anaesthetic solution is injected into the prepared area and massaged to break up the fat that is to be removed.

The face is then prepared and marked out to guide Dr Szalay where to deposit the fat.  The fat is then transferred into smaller syringes and injected into the desired area.

The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes.



You should rest as much as possible.

Pain after surgery is generally mild and controlled with Panadol. 

Please ensure that you take any antibiotics that you were prescribed.



Swelling will usually start to subside but bruising may continue for several days.

Moderate activity may be resumed, although bending and straining should be avoided for at least three days.  Moderate exercise (easy walking) may be resumed in about three days.  Avoid vigorous exercise (jogging) for 5 days or more and swimming for one week.



You can return to normal work or social activities 7 days after the procedure. If you developed any bruising during the procedure, some discolouration may persist at this time and may require cover-up make-up.

You will require your second procedure 1 to 3 months after the first. A third procedure, if required is performed 6 – 12 months after the first procedure.

Please describe the arrangements you have made for someone to drive you home following the procedure:

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